Click & Drag Cigarette

Thomas Outt Webcamerantics Con Cindy Sherman Book

    What happens to plastic pumpkins during an earthquake?


Plastic pumpkins turn out to be sentient beings & they are not vegetarian.  The consequences of such have been well-documented by the brilliant & ahead-of-the-times, George Romero.  I am doomed, and this will probably be my last chance to blog as I will become completely desanguinated before I have time to edit…this…things…are…becoming…f-f-faint….I …my…life….before….  (I love this word, or I loved this word before it happened to me!).

My path, will it cross with Cindy Sherman?  Or will I be digested by plastic pumpkins?  Stay tuned, for more Webcamerantics!

Return To Webcamerantics CNIT129


There is a certain & grim irony in learning that there is a connection between the Amazon rainforest & enjoying the benefits of it’s present-day name-sake: Amazon Dot Com.

Thomas Outt as Sid Haig as Captain Spaulding via the marvel of Web Camera.

The teeth are not the stuff of which Colgate would film commercials. Maybe I should wear this outfit & try my luck again @ the Ben & Jerry’s in the basement of the San Francisco downtown Macy’s. Would I get more respectful treatment? Or, should I go for broke & take the fake Black & Decker chainsaw?

There is a strange & bittersweet irony in this digital stuff.  Here I am as Captain Spaulding reading a book (VISIT SUNNY CHERNOBYL by Andrew Blackwell) that deals in one of it’s chapters about the “World’s Most Polluted Places” with the Amazon rain forest.  To what extent did Amazon Dot Com have in helping to diminish the original, so nice people could have a material comfort zone?   We may not live long enough as a species to ever know.   Getting both of these photographs is like getting two shots of tequila for the price of one….

Webcamerantics CNIT129

Webcamerantics CNIT129

Thomas Outt in paper mask made from Midnites For Maniacs Poster designed by Jesse Hawthorne Ficks, brandishing a fake chainsaw, all forlorn about not being cast in the remake of THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE!

“I shudda been a contender.” It’s probably not too likely that I’d get any of the parts in A STREETCAR NAMED DESIRE, but I could get a part in a film entitled REVENGE–& would be glad to join Screen Actor’s Guild, if Mr Polanski were to call on me for the part. Please note the fake Black & Decker chainsaw. It’s a beauty & makes me want to clear-cut as much of the Amazon rain forest as I can, we need the WALMARTS & the parking lots & those dreadful, little jobs that have shut down most of the small town Main Streets North of the Rio Grande. Oh, I am so sorry about the politics, it just comes out. I can’t help it. I don’t know why they make me write these things!

All Plugged In:  Computer Hardware Copes With A Mask From Scream 1,2,3,4,...

It’s probably the barium still working on me–the real world, what’s left of it, well…I should have been one of those people who got a gory end in any of the Scream films, but it would be better for the career to have been the perpetrator. A run of the play contract can be so lucrative & so artistically rewarding. This is more of my Lindsay Lohan, after falling on the cactus, you just don’t want to leave your house, so you sit in front of your computer & do this to people, innocent digital by-standers. My blogs are more like drive-by slingshots. Not one bit of redeeming value, no Sir, not one bit!

Thomas Outt: Webcamerantics CNIT129

Webcamerantics/Scary Doll

I just hope that Tennesee Williams isn’t rolling in his grave @ my hijacking of BABY DOLL! The film with Carroll Baker is far better than my atrocious imitation. Warning: I really am making eye contact with you (my viewer)–icons don’t blink! We don’t have to!

Tribute to Andy Warhol
Via mechanisms of Windowx XP, was able to have a standard photograph reproduced & slightly altered in a style historically associated with artist Andy Warhol.

Plain Ice Cream Cone

Ice Cream Cone

This is a plain ice cream cone.

Dorothy Malone & Humphrey Bogart Scene From The Big Sleep

              Dorothy Malone

Here is a scene from the earlier years of Dorothy Malone’s career.   Her timing & movements are impeccable, perfect choices for a young actress working opposite Bogart, who was internationally acclaimed (these days we say iconic) as a motion picture star.  It must have been a breakthrough role for her at the time.  Her look changed considerably over the years, but here we see her before the ‘makeover.’   I hold her in high regard, and hope you will find the scene engaging.  Enjoy!

Mia Farrow/Rosemary’s Baby


This was the look used by Mia Farrow when, in 1968, her film career began in Roman Polanki’s Rosemary’s Baby.  It was truly one of the most compelling horror films ever made, raising the bar for this genre from entertainment & campy fun to something that could be going on down the hall from your apartment.  The lurking presence of evil was felt but never directly seen.  Ruth Gordon got an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, and the same thing should have happened for Mia Farrow.  Her portrayal was diamond brilliant, and still plays to full houses to this day in major metropolitan areas.

It was proceeded by a brilliant advertising campaign, with the words “Pray For Rosemary’s Baby” superimposed upon a British style perambulator.  An image that Polanski carefully cultivated.


Am taking this class to broaden my computer knowledge base.  It must be working, but a many things still baffle me. I have written this blog at least six or seven times, and it comes up empty when I attempt to review it.

Enjoy Silent Era Films, history, travel, art, just to name a few.

I hope to learn a few extra skills from this class, and maybe my blog attempts won’t continue to turn into things I never imagined.  For the time being, I feel like a special effect without that as my intention….

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