Princess Melita Bonaparte Sees A Film & Learns How To Work For A Living!

2014 has been the year for wonderfully done, high-end production action films, Maleficent, Captain America, The Amazing Spiderman 2, and Guardians of the Galaxy, are just a few that come to mind. We have been challenged by magnum opi of future dystopian
calamities: #SnowPiercer, ThePurge, and #Divurgent headed the list.

With THE HUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY, we have a film that deals with high end cooking, that has not an echo of Julia Child, but more of a call for humanity coming together & dropping the increasingly archaic notion that tribal association is more important than being humane. Helen Mirran, who has ruled in films as Queen Elizabeth II, operates an an Absolute Monarch, unyielding to a point of being a food terrorist. Then, something happens as she reflects upon the harm that her actions have had upon others, and she rediscovers the most important concept of any government by entitlement: noblesse oblige. Her recovery of that nearly lost concept brings about her Redemption & the rest all falls into place. Their could be no Queen without a court, and that court was superbly played by Om Puri, Manish Dayal, and Charlette Le Bon. Two striking different cultures find that they may, indeed, break bread together–and it’s not #WonderBread, but bread of wonder that makes them all see their place in the world a bit differently.

This is the simple story of how we eat makes us who we are--not on a nutritional level, the cultural & ritual that have been bestowed on us by centuries of our own history.  Lasse Hallström has, to extend the metaphor, put the right ingredients into the recipe for this film, making it one of the more delightful departures from a plethora of well-done action films.  See this, and eat well!

This is the simple story of how we eat makes us who we are–not just on a nutritional level, but it also embraces the cultural & ritualistic traditions that have been bestowed on us by centuries of our own agricultural & animal-hunting/food gathering history. Lasse Hallström has, to extend the metaphor, put the right ingredients into the recipe for this film, making it one of the more delightful departures from a plethora of well-done action films for 2014. See this, and eat well!


Of course, Her Imperial Highness was inspired to become an instant expert in all manner of cuisine upon watching this fine film.

Of course, being a perfectionist in all things, Princess Melita Bonaparte immediately went through a total immersion process (sort of like the Baptists, but more so) in learning about which wine to serve to which whiner.  This is a skill that is a religious experience. She took her cooking classes & will be the first Queen of Serbia to be a sou chef.

Being a perfectionist in all things, Princess Melita Bonaparte immediately went through a total immersion process (sort of like the Baptists, but more so) in learning about which wine to serve to which whiner. This is a skill that is a religious experience, it is more a way of life, like being BORN AGAIN. She took her cooking classes & will be the first Queen of Serbia to be a sou chef.

You must realise that it takes more than just cooking school to make a sou chef! If you don’t understand this, then you must go back & watch the film many, many more times. Buying just the right produce is just as important as how you cook what Mother Earth brings forth.

Growing up in the splendour of palaces was ''just another challenge for me, " according to #PrincessMelitaBonaparte.  As the #MostBeautifulWomanintheWorld, she considered it her duty to learn how to buy just the right food to serve to her people.  "You are what you eat, " The Princess intoned.

Growing up in the splendour of palaces was ”just another challenge for me, ” according to #PrincessMelitaBonaparte. As the #MostBeautifulWomanintheWorld, she considered it her duty to learn how to buy just the right food to serve to her people. “You are what you eat, ” The Princess intoned.

"I refused any special treatment because of my rank," explained the Princess.  "I was not entitled to wear the cap of Sou Chef until I had proven worthy of it.  Now, it has the same value for my as my inherited tiaras from so many of my Loyal Peoples.  I will now be able to serve them well on many levels."

“I refused any special treatment because of my rank,” explained the Princess. “I was not entitled to wear the cap of Sou Chef until I had proven worthy of it. Now, it has the same value for me as my as my inherited tiaras from so many of my Loyal Peoples. I will now be able to serve them well on many levels.”

Melita Fashionista: How An Imperial Princess Puts A Face On Fashion!

Her Imperial Highness is no dummy when it comes to fashion, understanding that individual style is much more important than keeping up with the latest runway collection. But there is a blandness about models & manniquins that the Princess finds very upsetting.

“It hurts to see that our uniqueness as people is not given the credit it needs. So, I decided to put a face on fashion, mine!” Thus, it is that Princess Melita Bonaparte, the Most Beautiful Woman in the World, has now entered the world of haute couture simply by being a model herself, not charging a thing for her services.

“I just want people everywhere to know that they can be somebody, and how better to express this concept than by being a model for various clothing lines? It is a wonderful project that I hope will bring joy to millions who don’t know how to become computer programmers. Just be beautiful and let others take your photograph! It’s harder work than you may think,” declares the Princess.

The charm of song lyrics about San Francisco appeal to the Princess, & she readily agreed to participate in this project.

The charm of song lyrics about San Francisco appealed to the Princess, & she readily agreed to participate in this project. “I particularly enjoyed the use of calligraphy as part of the design,” explained the Most Beautiful Woman in the World, PRINCESS MELITA BONAPARTE.

"Retaining my connection to the Emperor Napoleon & our Bonaparte heritage, gets me all excited," the Princess breathed heavily to us whilst being interviewed.  Her Imperial Highness is the Mistress of Multi-Task, being photographed & interviewed @ the same time!

“Retaining my connection to the Emperor Napoleon & our Bonaparte heritage, gets me all excited,” the Princess breathed heavily to us whilst being interviewed. Her Imperial Highness is the Mistress of Multi-Task, being photographed & interviewed simultaneously!

"I felt so very lucky to have the best hair dresser & photographer possible.  It was important to me to have the highest production values possible. I wanted a different look for each set of garments," Her Imperial Highness told us.

“I felt so very lucky to have the best hair dresser & photographer possible. It was important to me to have the highest production values possible. I wanted a different look for each set of garments,” Her Imperial Highness told us.

"It was all new to me," explained the Princess.   "I must admit, by the end of the day, I was exhausted.  Being a perfectionist, I had thousands of 'takes' before carefully choosing the right one.  I lost so much weight. I think I got down to 93 pounds & still felt fat."   Here the Princess in seen with a Belgian lace veil, an accessory she insisted was in keeping with her Mediterranean heritage.

“It was all new to me,” explained the Princess.
“I must admit, by the end of the day, I was exhausted. Being a perfectionist, I had thousands of ‘takes’ before carefully choosing the right one. I lost so much weight. I think I got down to 93 pounds & still felt fat.” Here the Princess in seen with a Belgian lace veil, an accessory she insisted was in keeping with her Mediterranean heritage.

“My hope in doing this was to help raise awareness of the need to Restore the Greek Monarchy. I want to help pave the way for their return to their rightful place in Greek history & culture. They should not be relegated to antiquity.”Princess Melita Bonaparte: THE MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE WORLD.

Escaped Elephant Mauls Princess!

San Francisco: Powell & Market Street MUNI terminal entrance/exit. Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte, was attempting to do volunteer work, lending her name on behalf of the Grey Gardens of Greece, Tatoi Palace. “It’s in terrible condition, so much in need of restoration as is the Monarchy itself.”

Her selfless efforts were met with an unexpected & life threatening encounter with an escaped elephant, nearly causing her premature demise, and certainly spoiled her fund-raising efforts last weekend. “Funny how the controlled press did not report about this, they don’t care about my Greek relatives & the squalor that has befallen the Tatoi Palace, one of the homes for my Grandparents, Prince & Princess Andrew of Greece. My Grandmother was better known as being Princess Marie Bonaparte. They would both be so sad about the condition of the Palace.”

“I think the elephant is a lineal descendant of those used by Hannibal when he crossed the Alps a few years ago,” mused the still unnerved Bonaparte Heiress.

“It was a crime, a set up–to get rid of me, and keep the Greeks chained to that dysfunctional republic that is forever in debt. They need to put me in charge of things, that’s the best way!”

This was an assassination attempt, the Princess maintains.  Everyone saw it, and no one tried to help me.

“This was an assassination attempt,” the Princess maintains. “Everyone saw it, and no one tried to help me.”

“If this had happened to Princess Anne, she would have gotten a saddle & ridden it in a horse show! But, Oh, no, the crowd was screaming “Kill! Kill!” Why do they hate me so?”

Princess Melita Bonaparte's fund-raising efforts go largely unnoticed as she barely escapes with her life. "I'd do it again, for the people of Greece," claims the dedicated Imperial Royalist.

Princess Melita Bonaparte’s fund raising efforts go largely unnoticed as she barely escapes with her life. “I’d do it again, for the people of Greece,” claims the dedicated Imperial Royalist.

“Tatoi Palace is my home,” declares Princess Melita Bonaparte
“I want it back!”

Blue Is the Warmest Color (La vie d’Adèle)


Both Their Imperial Highnesses, Princess Melita Bonaparte & her recently discovered twin brother, Prince Roland Bonaparte II, voted unanimously for this prestigious award to be presented to cast & crew for this wondrous cinematic achievement. There was still hiding & confusion in the process of each woman to come to terms of who they were on an individual level & how they were perceived by others & how they eventually integrated the reality of being lesbian within & without. But the viewer undertands they ultimately got there. It has a far different sort of pathos than did the American film that, on a huge & heroic scale, first broke through these barriers (Brokeback Mountain), but it succeeded in a believable manner in showing that life is not a fairy tale, and that nothing is static. “Happily ever after,” that famous line in fairy tales, and eerily recounted in the homily provided by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the wedding rites of the doomed marriage of the Prince of Wales & Lady Diana Spence applies to all of us, no matter our religion (or lack thereof), language, cultural background, or orientation.

Being a couple is difficult, no matter what the situation.

There has been much already well written about this amazing film. I think one key word is believability. The characters were written not to be larger than life nor other worldly, but a combination of the complex & mundane of urban life in the Western world, in this case Lille, France.

No matter how hard we may wish to try, some things are just not meant to be. This film deals with this issue, not through the back door, but right on through the front door. It is difficult to surrender to that, and often frustrating to “settle,” but often times that is what is required in order to survive. Friendship & mutual respect, given enough time, can overcome the unintended wounds inflicted by romance, by passion.

After the summer turns to autumn in our lives, we can (if we are open to it) see that & accept it. I believe the actors & film makers did that with a rare grace & dignity, seldom afforded within the same boundaries in which is fully shared the erotic nature of life. All of this was treated with kindness.

Interspersed within this framework are many references to art, philosophy, careers, business, ambition, children…but I have to confess, that my favourite part was the introduction of raw oysters by Emma to Adele. When she told Emma that she thought they had the texture of snotballs I screamed laughing. No one else thought it was funny, and days later, I am still thinking about how, when (as snotnosed kids) when one of us got a horrible cold, and hocked up a good one, we’d say “Fresh oyster for you.” The other ‘food’ confession was that Adele ate her scabs as a little girl. No one else laughed at that one, either, and it was funny. These are the sort of mundane & silly confessions that two people who think they are finding a mate will share with each other. It was in the small things that the greatness of this film was revealed, the plain day to day humanity.

Go have your own transformation, and enjoy shell-fish on your own & at your leisure. You owe it to yourself to try something new to celebrate this artistic achievement!

You Tube Video of Blue Is the Warmest Color (La vie d’Adèle)


Once upon a time, a man name Napoleon Bonaparte had it in his mind to follow the likes of Charlemagne, Julius Caesar, and Alexander the Great. Things did not work out quite as he dreamed. That Nelson man got in the way, and other people had other ideas. Then, there was the weather in Russia & the resulting mud. My curiosity remains unsatisfied, as to why he was (and seems to remain so) such an inspiration for those who joined him. His saga is one that continually mystifies. A man cursed & feared by his enemies & nearly made

Emperor Napoleon I (Bonaparte) 1769-1821-a replica of the headgear associated with his legend, surmounting an antique globe, found on a  street in San Francisco, fitting in that it resembles his rise from obscurity to fame/infamy.

Emperor Napoleon I (Bonaparte) 1769-1821-a replica of the headgear associated with his legend, surmounting an antique globe, found on a street in San Francisco, fitting in that it resembles his rise from obscurity to fame/infamy.

an idol by his followers. He did all of this in an era when there was no electronic alignment of zeros & ones to ‘Like’ him. The following was from the heart, so was the fear. He caused action, reactions, and changed the world.

Here is my little tribute to that dream of Unity, without the armies, without the blood being shed. I think he wanted things that way, but it’s tricky to attempt to wrap one’s mind around that of another, especially one gone so long. At any rate, I hope that’s what he wanted. It would be nice to see it happen in a way that no one had to be harmed, and that allowed all of us to win.

Princess Melita Bonaparte Invites You To Her World

An invitation to follow the Bonaparte Princess...Who can say where this might lead?

An invitation to follow the Bonaparte Princess…Who can say where this might lead?

The invitations were all hand made, multiples, with slight variations.  A Bonaparte cottage industry.

The invitations were all hand made, multiples, with slight variations. A Bonaparte cottage industry.

The Wild Chocolate Easter Bunnies of Corona Heights

The leader of the wild chocolate Easter bunnies of Corona Heights wears one of the hats actually worn by Emperor Napoleon.

The leader of the wild chocolate Easter bunnies of Corona Heights wears one of the hats actually worn by Emperor Napoleon.

These bunnies have sworn eternal allegiance to Princess Melita Bonaparte in her efforts to annex Monaco!

These bunnies have sworn eternal allegiance to Princess Melita Bonaparte in her efforts to annex Monaco!


Wishing you all a Happy St Patrick’s Day From Glenn Acornn–someone found him in an alley & got him in rehab.

SOUVENIRS DE PARIS BRÛLE-Une soirée à Paris, à San Francisco!

Le cadeau précieux de la princesse Michael de Kent, à côté de l'autographe de Peaches Christ, dont tous les flux de bénédictions ...

Le cadeau précieux de la princesse Michael de Kent, à côté de l’autographe de Peaches Christ, dont tous les flux de bénédictions …

La princesse Melita Bonaparte a laissé ses biens, y compris un bracelet aigue-marine inestimable, que lui a donnée la princesse Michael de Kent, à l’affiche près de sa table de toilette. Un tel collage de souvenirs de la soirée de la grâce et de l’élégance – ne pouvant servir qu’à une lignée noble tel.

Elle est heureuse de partager avec vous, et prend une joie particulière à l’affiche dédicacée qui commémore son bonheur.

DE PARIS BRÛLE-Une soirée à Paris, à San Francisco!

DE PARIS BRÛLE-Une soirée à Paris, à San Francisco!

The Princess Melita Bonaparte left her belongings, including a priceless aquamarine bracelet, given to her by Princess Michael of Kent, on display near her dressing table. Such a collage of memories from an evening of grace & elegance–fit only for one of such noble lineage.

She is happy to share this with you, and takes particular joy in the autographed poster that commemorates her happiness.

Princess Pinches A Hat

Princess Pinches A Hat

Under the guise of “trying on” hats, Princess Melita Bonaparte snatched this red one to match the interior of the 1937 Buick that was parked in front of the Castro Theatre. Both have been on missing lists ever since, while she wanders free.