Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte, has an urgent appeal to make to all DIVERGENTS–Appeal to the Highest Powers to save your beloved DIVERGENT STANDEEE from being tossed into the DUMPSTER! It is bound to happen–that is the sad ‘company policy’ that Her Imperial Highness has learned from her informants.

Princess Melita Bonaparte has always known that she inherited being DIVERGENT from the late Princess Marie Bonaparte.  She studied Freud & then she read Veronica Roth's book to prepare for being thrown alive into the dumpster!  Only you can save the standee from this fate!

Princess Melita Bonaparte has always known that she inherited being DIVERGENT from the late Princess Marie Bonaparte. She studied Freud & then she read Veronica Roth’s book to prepare for being thrown alive into the dumpster! Only you can save the standee from this fate!


ONLY YOU can help. Princess Melita has done everything she can to help preserve & protect these works of art for your enjoyment, and for the enjoyment of future collectors.

Princess Melita Bonaparte has no hands but yours. Her heart she gives freely, but you must provide her your hands. She is your passionate advocate, your Monarch of Absolute Love.

Be Dauntless, in your support for DIVERGENT!

Princess Melita Bonaparte, now restored to the Imperial Line, read DIVERGENT cover to cover-pleading with theatre managers to save the standee from the Dumpsters.  Can we have a stay of execution?

Princess Melita Bonaparte, now restored to the Imperial Line, read DIVERGENT cover to cover-pleading with theatre managers to save the standee from the Dumpsters. Can we have a stay of execution?

Coming 21 March 2014.

Princess Melita Bonaparte found her brother, Prince Roland Bonaparte II, as part of the DIVERGENT STANDEE.  Single handed, an Army of One, she attempted to preserve & protect this wonderful treasure from ending up in the AMC Dumpster.  She has no hands but yours!

Princess Melita Bonaparte found her brother, Prince Roland Bonaparte II, as part of the DIVERGENT STANDEE. Single handed, an Army of One, she attempted to preserve & protect this wonderful treasure from ending up in the AMC Dumpster. She has no hands but yours!

You Tube Trailer For DIVERGENT

The Three Knit Wits: 3 Doggie Diner Heads Knit Today, Gone Tomorrow!

There they were, three monumental Doggie Diner Heads, relics of a past fast food era, on a red trailer, parked directly in front of the Castro Theatre. I saw them 21 September 2013–did not have my camera with me. So, I ran all the way up the Mount Everest of Corona Heights to get my tiny point & click, to see if I could somehow do any justice to this out of context zany & loveable display. (It truly was the Doris Wishman of the art world, disembodied Doggie Diner Heads, swathed in crochet or knitted material of some kind or another). I found out later they were an installation piece by artist Olek I all really knew, this was weird, straight up my inner alleyway of strange, and would not last long. My Jeanne Dixonesque was correct: they were gone the next day. My only regret was that my camera was the old point & click & I could not get a wider range shot. All that aside, here’s that old saying…


3 Doggie Diner Head on a red trailer in front of the Castro Theatre.  Just that!

3 Doggie Diner Heads on a red trailer in front of the Castro Theatre. Just that!

This Doggie Diner was greeting folks who were on Castro Street!

This Doggie Diner head was greeting folks who were on Castro Street!

This doggie was shy, he did not wag his tail.  ?   He only had a head, and could not wag.  But he was sweet & shy & I petted him anyway!

This doggie was shy, he did not wag his tail. ? He only had a head, and could not wag. But he was sweet & shy & I petted him anyway!

This doggie was the smart one, he had taken the time to go to Twin Peaks for a few drinks.  The orange face is the giveaway!

This doggie was the smart one, he had taken the time to go to Twin Peaks for a few drinks. The orange face is the giveaway!

These Doggie Diner Heads were legal, they even had their Green Cards!

These Doggie Diner Heads were legal, they even had their Green Cards!

I feel like Jimmy Swaggart, I have brought shame upon myself.  I do not know who Tom Kennedy was, is, or if he will be on the Tonight Show, or what!

I feel like Jimmy Swaggart, I have brought shame upon myself. I do not know who Tom Kennedy was, is, or if he will be on the Tonight Show, or what! Why does he say such terrible things about me?

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