This is one class that City College of San Francisco should offer. It would sell out, require expansion, and put them on the international map of institutions of higher learning!

All I need are a few volunteers willing to die for art. It’s easy. Make sure your life insurance is in force for more that two years. Make me the beneficiary, and credit will be transferable. You just won’t BEE there to benefit.

Come on now, I have bills to pay. Take full advantage of this opportunity of a life time! Literally!

Don’t be scared. It only takes a few moments, and if you survive, you’ll get the credits all transferred–all nice & neat…and while all your friends are doing Excel spreadsheets, you have a deal with a publishing house, your own reality show, and an interview with Jay Leno! Don’t let C-Suite executives sell you short on living the American Dream. Swarm on over!

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by—You can’t get this on LinkedIn. You will be encouraged to make a You Tube, bring your own bottle & equipment!

Napoleonic heroes required for yellow jacket training programme.  Don't be stung by being left out of this hive!   Buzz here now!

Napoleonic heroes required for yellow jacket training programme. Don’t be stung by being left out of this hive! Buzz here now!

Your Personal Trainer: Her Imperial Highness, Princess Melita Bonaparte

Those Bonaparte Bee-stung lips will bee there to help you transition.  The class is Pass/Fail.

Those Bonaparte Bee-stung lips will bee there to help you transition. The class is Pass/Fail.

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