The real inventor of google glasses is Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte. “I invent many things, and make up stuff as I go along. I can’t keep up with all my ideas, so I use my newest invention to take ideas from other people and call their ideas my ideas. It makes taking classes easier, and I get perfect scores on all my tests. It makes managing people easier. They do all of the work, I take credit when the work is good give free doses of Hell when the work is bad! I know that my Most Loyal Subjects like this. They are able to feel that they are part of the governing system. Plus they learn to play by my rules, which change constantly, so they never can be as smart as I am. I am always the smartest little girl in the room and I always have the last word. I am Royal over everybody and I plan to keep it that way. ”

The Princess explained the design process. “I had the lenses of the super glasses imported from The Netherlands, made by direct descendants of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. That family always did what my family told them to do. This assured me of having the very best. I plan to take over the Dutch throne, but need time to resolve problems in Greece, Portugal, Egypt, Russia, and Italy, before going Dutch! With all this pressure, you can understand why I need to be able to tap into information at all times without appearing to be nosy. I am sort of my own James Bond film, just with fewer action scenes. I let doubles and body guards do all the scary stuff,” the Princess casually mentioned as of this writing. “People don’t want me to take needless risks. My subjects demand to be ruled with common sense. To that end, I must set high standards of safety. So, I can hardly be expected to do my own stunts.”
So, here they are: Goo-Goo Glasses. Sleekly designed so that no one will have a clue that there is a Royal spy in their midst. No place, public or private, will be able to escape detection. “It’s for their own safety. I am doing this for the people, to help them. It is for their own good,” huffed an indignant Melita. “How can anyone NOT like this perfect use of technology? It is for their protection. Everything I do is for the benefit of others.”

Princess Melita Bonaparte, fears that legal problems will get nasty as she continues to claim to be the inventor of google glasses.  I renamed them goo-goo glasses to keep it from being a nasty legal mess," she explained.

Princess Melita Bonaparte hopes to avoid legal problems as she continues to claim to be the inventor of google glasses. “I renamed them Goo-Goo Glasses to keep it from being a nasty, legal mess,” she explained.

Few Monarchs have invented themselves as well as new gadgets, the way Princess Melita Bonaparte has.  She remains constantly engaged in all forms of technology.

Few Monarchs have invented themselves as well as new gadgets, the way Princess Melita Bonaparte has. She remains constantly engaged in all forms of technology. She tells us that people will make passes at Royals in glasses.

If You Want To Be Cool–Be Ready To Die For It! Slit your own throat! Do it! Not if you are under 18.

I think Desi Arnaz was the one who came up with syndication. It’s a good idea, you can reuse & recycle. You can gain a sort of useless form of immortality. Why, if you come up with a terrific idea, your intellectual property can sort of rule the world.

That’s just what we did here. Be different. Put off quitting smoking. Put off buying a cell phone upgrade. Put off fixing a leaking roof.

Just put off everything, except the IRS. That idea would be really bad, expensive. You don’t want that.

So, get ready, take that first puff–do it slowly, and put it off as long as you can, before you slit your throat.

If you are under 18, ask parental permission to get fake blood, and make sure you clean up the floor after it’s over–THERE WILL BE FAKE BLOOD!



Dedicated To Patrick Stewart–All About XXXing Film Fans

X-MEN X-ALia X-Cel X-cuse X-am X-Pire X-cellent X-crement X-citing???

It’s another X-Men film. Not Madam X? I’m sorry!

Her Imperial Highness continues to show her devotion to the art of film promotional 'standees' & to Patrick Stewat, to whom she dedicates her Bonaparte fortune.  She likes to X-periment with every possibility in life.

Her Imperial Highness continues to show her devotion to the art of film promotional ‘standees’ & to Patrick Stewat, to whom she dedicates her Bonaparte fortune. She likes to X-periment with every possibility in life.


The casting error of omitting Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte, becomes evident very quickly. She brings a special presence & value that cannot be explained or denied. She longs to be placed into a dumpster, next to her film idols & professional peers. For her next film: THE PERFECTION OF RUIN–which will be dedicated to Patrick Stewart.

When casting directors & studios understand that people are coming to see her, they will stop calling about using her car. Princess Melita Bonaparte is tireless in her efforts to promote films & those who work in them. She believes that her future is in the stars…

Princess Melita Bonaparte-A Star Without Makeup!

Much to her humiliation & horror, just the thing worst nightmare that could ever befall a star of this magnitude, caught reading an eye-level, grocery store magazine WITHOUT makeup.

This is the sort of thing that will land her in that Betty Place–and drain all her assets. When they close, will someone stay there to help her heat up a Swanson TV dinner, or will it just be lights out & hit the pavement?

Stay tuned–but let us hope that <a href="http://; title="Elizabeth Arden Emergency Room”>Elizabeth Arden has her Emergency Room open for the wayward Bonaparte Princess….

Notice the halo over the head of Princess Melita Bonaparte.  When questioned about this, she replied, "Just like Nixon, they can't take my halo from me, they may take my makeup, but they can't take my halo.  I earned it!"

Notice the halo over the head of Princess Melita Bonaparte. When questioned about this, she replied, “Just like Nixon, they can’t take my halo from me, they may take my makeup, but they can’t take my halo. I earned it!” There seems to be a Checkers Speech for every occasion these days.

For more information about how to be totally happy & beautiful—

Miksi prinsessa Melita Bonaparte VIHAA huulirasva & Vauva nimi Kotisivuilla

Kun Royal , yksi ei saa nimetätyttölapsia Ashley . Kun Imperial , yksi ei saa nimetäpoika lapsi Sakarias , ellei hänen isänsä oli kuningas hallitseva noin olematon kansallisvaltio , nyt valta Hänen keisarillinen korkeutensa prinsessa Melita Bonaparte . Faddish nimiä vain ei palvele mitään hyvää tarkoitusta . He jatkuvasti väärin kirjoitettu , unpronounceable , ja tehdäsiirtotie täytyy käydä läpi lukemattomia selityksiä siitä, millaisia ​​lääkkeitä olivat muotia aikana ennen tiineyden . Emme väitä , että kaikki pojat nimeksi Sue , eikä kaikki tytöt nimeksi John , emmekä tuepäinvastaista. Aivan , kiitos , älä käytä sivustoja nimeämiseen lapsellesi.

Paras käyttö vauvan nimi sivustot w Ould on käyttää niitä ohjeiden , sitten poimiakunnon nimi suvussa , taiainutlaatuinen ( mutta ei ahdistavia ) nimi, jota suosivat ja nimetä lapsi . Syksy onkausi . Jos Syksy tulee olla valitettavaa valinta ( jaBritannian kuninkaallinen perhe on nytSeason in the Family ) , milloin Winter kidutetaan osaksi Wynterin , ja tullutnimi ?

Nyt , kuten huulirasva , Hänen keisarillinen korkeutensa ei pidä siitä . On mahdotonta hänen käyttää sitä ja aiheuttaa hänelle mitään loppua riippuvuutta käyttäytymistä , kuten pureskella huuliaan , tai etsii jatkuvastitavaraa, joka näyttää aina ottaaomaa elämäänsä olemalla Lost & tarvitse olla ilmaisulla . Ei saa olla paljon rahaa Lost & Found huulivoiteet , mutta se voisi ollahyvää liiketoimintaa rahoittaa jos ei ole mitään muuta parempaa tekemistä oman onnen , ja Walmart on pois oman tuotemerkin . Ei ja huulirasva , se ei ole hyvä paperimassaa huulet , anyway . Ei outo Internet – pohjainen vauvan nimiä . Jos aiot käyttää huulirasva ja napauttamalla pois teidän matkapuhelin etsivät joitakin törkeää nimivauva , olet vaarassa pysäyttämisestä @ aseella , menettää kukkaro , mobiililaitteiden ja säilyttäenhuulirasva ilman kantta , joka on eksynyt kaikkihälinä .

Ne Bonaparte Bee-pistetty huulet on siellä auttaa sinua siirtymistä käytä huulirasva. Ja kun kiusaus keksiä Internet-pohjainen nimet lapsellesi, lue huuliani, "Don" T! "

Ne Bonaparte Bee-pistetty huulet on siellä auttaa sinua siirtymistä käytä huulirasva. Ja kun kiusaus keksiä Internet-pohjainen nimet lapsellesi, lue huuliani, “Don’t! “

New To Blogging? This You Tube from gShift Labs may help!

Had no idea about the frequent & massive algorithm changes made on google. This video explains that & the importance of the key word gap–a concept that sounds as if we will all be a perpetual work in progress. Finding just the right word to write…ah, there’s the rub!

Coming from specialists in the growing world of Social Media, it does provide a sense of relief that the struggle to learn this is not impossible, but does take time & effort.

I do wonder if optometrists were consulted about how the human eye tends to see thing, both on the paid & organic side of the charts. With all the visual distraction, it must be a challenge to design online visuals that will engage the human eye & attention & appropriate & desired interaction.

It’s a good one to view & helpful for those of us attempting to enter this digital world & attempt to carve out a niche as a reward for our efforts.

For more information:

Are You Experiencing Symptoms of Social Media Fatigue?

If you answer “YES” to any of the following random observations, you might be through.

1)–Do you feel annoyance–(even some degree of controlled rage) by rude cell phone users?

2)–Do you spend 8 or more hours a day in front of a computer & find that you don’t want to go home & spend more time finding out about a friend’s dining choices?

3)–Do you have 300+ “Friends” on Facebook, but only know about 20 of them, 10 of them really well?

4)–Do you hate Farmville?

5)–Did you wish horrible things would happen do it, things that would make for the perfect storm of a disaster film genre? (I did!).

6)–When you do have a dinner date, and he-she picks up a cell phone call, do you put this on your Facebook “Like” list, or are you a wee, bit annoyed?

7)–Do you find it nice to be in the company of someone who does not let the cellular mobile device dictate how an evening’s conversation goes?

8)–Have you nearly been killed by someone driving while texting/chatting on a cell phone, despite recent legislation, and suffered PTSS for the next several hours, days?

9)–Ever seen a table of 3 or 4 people @ a restaurant & all of them were on cell phones talking to others? (The last part is an assumption.)

10–Did you know that California King sized beds were the reason that cell phones were invented? You can’t talk to someone who is that far away without a digital device. Now, that is stressful!

If you answered “YES” to any of these, and have others you feel that are horribly obvious that need to be added to make this list unmanageable & endless, I think you are suffering from symptoms of mild to severe Social Media Fatigue. And, gentle reader, you are not alone. If you answer “YES” and want more of this, your wish will come true with the latest upgrade & the newest landfill item. If you feel this list is puny, and it is, please add to it, make it huge, this one should go viral. Noise, we who hate noise, need to have it if we are going to learn how to effectively deal with it. So, make it!

Far from scientific on my end, but I have a strong hunch, that there are others who feel bombarded by computers, cellphones, and the endless noise that is being generated by this combination of 0s & 1s-and wish it would not take over.

Far from scientific on my end, but I have a strong hunch, that there are others who feel bombarded by computers, cellphones, and the endless noise that is being generated by this combination of 0s & 1s-and wish it would not take over.

Like most pictures, the above poster, gracing the subways of San Francisco, has hit upon a social nerve. If a picture, such as this one, is worth a thousand words, my feeling is that those who came together to produce this feel that those words would be more effective when spoken face to face, person to person, without benefit of extreme dependence upon digital technology. B-b-but wait, I see an Internet connection!
Mister Manners can be reached by going to a desktop computer or mobile device & keying What is this world coming to?

So, back to square one, I end with, we depend upon all of it, but as tools to live real lives, not as focal points to live virtual lives.