Artful Rubbish Bin-Fort Mason Area

Does photography have enough trash? Or does trash rate enough to photograph? This rubbish bin is simple, does what it is supposed to do, that is if people co-operate & respond on a communal level & has a sort of simple beauty. Here is the shared vision of where most things end up, before becoming another’s treasure.

Bin was empty @ time of taking this picture.  No law says that rubbish collection has to be an eyesore.

Bin was empty @ time of taking this picture. No law says that rubbish collection has to be an eyesore.

The shadow of ephemera collection...

The shadow of ephemera collection…

Change of Chains

Displayed near Fort Mason waterfront, there are two chains used for securing boats. One shows slight corrosion, the other significant corrosion. They act as testimony that nothing lasts forever.

The combination of time, air, and saltwater has left this huge chain in a state of dilapidation.

The combination of time, air, and saltwater has left this huge chain in a state of dilapidation.

The future of this chain hangs next to it.

The future of this chain hangs next to it.

On The Way to Norway Day…An Art Saga

The journey to participate in Norway Day turned out to be an art saga of sorts. Most impressive, and fitting in (perhaps unintentionally with the simplicity & functionality that results in visual beauty: a tradition in Scandinavian design) was the circular bench, constructed of shaped & welded metal rods, the sort you generally see used as support devices inside a mold being readied for concrete to be poured. This bench is just made from metal rods & is a thing of beauty! I was lucky enough to find it unpopulated & got out the point & click! My camera is not capable of showing it in its entirety, but here is the general idea…

Detail of end of metal seating bench, 4 May 2013--located near Fort Mason, San Francisco.

Detail of end of metal seating bench, 4 May 2013–located near Fort Mason, San Francisco.

Same bench, more towards the middle-the effect is almost as if it were woven, rather than welded.

Same bench, more towards the middle-the effect is almost as if it were woven, rather than welded.

This is about the best I could do to covey the overall shape & look of this bench.  It's comfortable enough for a moderate sit down, but does not have the napping appeal that a couch would permit.

This is about the best I could do to covey the overall shape & look of this bench. It’s comfortable enough for a moderate sit down, but does not have the napping appeal that a couch would permit.

Small & Easy, Maybe Cheesy But Fun To Collect–Mill Valley, California Does Not Seem To Have One!

If you are looking for small & inexpensive item of a place you have toured & wish to have a reminder…Look no further than refrigerator magnets. Granted, it’s a matter of taste & preference, subjective to be certain. Some designs are much nicer than others, some are poor attempts to be clever. Airport gift shops are often good places to get them. The best ones are locally made, but they tend to be a bit more expensive. The more difficult ones to add to a collection are from very small towns, not found in airport gift shops simply because they are small towns a long distance from an airport, and many very small towns won’t have any.

In my travels, have found that small towns in New Mexico to be better about ‘local pride’ in terms of being represented via refrigerator magnets, than small towns in California. Especially enjoyed obtaining a very nice one about this time last year from Espanola, New Mexico, except that it had a tilda over the n, which I expect to be the name of the next Pedro Almodóvar motion picture: ¿Espanola ningún tilda sobre la n?

Have gone on several bicycle rides to Mill Valley, California, and have looked many times for a Mill Valley refrigerator magnet to no avail. Could there be a design contest for this one? I can imagine a reel of film in place of the usual mill wheel–a sort of combination of the town’s recent & ongoing history, tied into its past. Put a Mill Valley refrigerator magnet on my wish list!

Hope for a Mill Valley refrigerator magnet to add to my collection...

Hope for a Mill Valley refrigerator magnet to add to my collection…


The Wiggle side of painted exterior device.

The Wiggle side of painted exterior device.

Eventually, you will get there.  Bag on sidewalk is contained my camera, and I frantically pointed & clicked before the bag disappeared!

Eventually, you will get there. Bag on sidewalk contained my camera. I frantically pointed & clicked before the bag disappeared!

 West Side of painted outside object-located near 400 Duboce Street, near Safeway.

West Side of painted outside object-located near 400 Duboce Street, near Safeway.

It is frustrating to see these wonderful things & realise that the camera (simple point & click that it is) is in the apartment. When that happens, I do my best to make a mental note of the things I see, especially art that is not found inside the walls of
East side of painted device (a utility box?) near 400 Duboce Street, across from Out of the Closet.

East side of painted device (a utility box?) near 400 Duboce Street, across from Out of the Closet.

a museum. That’s when I return for another look, camera in hand & do my best to share these special wonders.


7 March 2013-The Street is Grace Alley.  The City is San Francisco.  This is right next to where I word, the Department of Public Health, in a building leased by City & County of San Francisco.  Grim.

7 March 2013-The Street is Grace Alley. The City is San Francisco. This is right next to where I work, the Department of Public Health, in a building leased by City & County of San Francisco. Grim.

Sadly, it has been like this for years. Sometimes it is worse than what is shown here


Just when it seemed safe to see a 35 mm film, a panavision horror returns to the Castro to bathe the audience with blood & death

Alors qu’il semblait sûr de voir un film de 35 mm, une Panavision horreur revient à la Castro de se baigner le public avec le sang et la mort.

This monster only gets worse with time. Ce monstre ne fait que s'aggraver avec le temps.

This monster only gets worse with time. Ce monstre ne fait que s’aggraver avec le temps.

He makes it all seem so normal, making a comfort zone in the middle of a path of death.
Il fait que tout semble si normal, ce qui rend une zone de confort au milieu d'un chemin de la mort.

He makes it all seem so normal, making a comfort zone in the middle of a path of death.
Il fait que tout semble si normal, ce qui rend une zone de confort au milieu d’un chemin de la mort.


Princesse Christina attempts to avoid the flames!

Princesse Christina attempts to avoid the flames!

<img src="" alt=“PARIS BRÛLE!

Son Altesse Sérénissime la Princesse Melita Bonaparte, le plus gracieusement permet de prévisualiser une photographie son Paris-en-Pâques bouquet de la mariée thème. Cette bouquet, personnellement conçu par la princesse elle-même, créera la sensation du jour au lendemain et internationale et de noblesse. Il est d'ores et déjà déclaré qu'il ne devienne une source de miracles et guérisons de crampes aux plus élaborés comptes de carte de crédit. Si cela est vrai, elle va atteindre la sainteté dans son temps propre vie et facilement devenir le maire de Detroit et le premier monarque catholique de France, Estats-Unis, le Canada, et Monaco – qui elle le souhaite avec ferveur, mais promet de prendre toutes ces fonctions avec un cœur sincère. Suivez-la! Suivez-la! Elle va nous apporter l'espoir et la paix mondiale.” width=”460″ height=”345″ class=”size-large wp-image-2412″ />


Her Serene Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte, most graciously permits a photograph to preview her Paris-in-Easter themed bridal bouquet. This bouquet, personally designed by the Princess herself, will create overnight & international sensation & acclaim. It is already being said that it will become a source of miracles & cures from cramps to over drawn credit card accounts. If this is true, she will achieve sainthood in her own life time & easily become the Mayor of Detroit & the first Catholic Monarch of a United States, France, Canada, & Monaco–all of which she devoutly wishes, but promises to take all such duties with a sincere heart. Follow her! Follow her! She will bring us hope & world peace.





Love Haight (Street/San Francisco) Relationship # 2

Did this bar get it’s name from Lyndon Johnson, Harvey Milk, or does it actually serve dairy products? Dancing for milk would be something done “only in San Francisco.” I am gratified that my lovely point & click camera was able to record this as well as it did.

Let's dance to dairy products on Haight Street!

Let’s dance to dairy products on Haight Street!


Mayan-inspired multidimensional mural near San Francisco's Mission District

Mayan-inspired multidimensional mural near San Francisco’s Mission District

This photograph was taken 3 September 2012. I was lucky enough to have my point & click camera @ the time. It’s a marvel & a wonder–full of captivating details–enough ‘visiual food’ to provide a banquet for the senses. I have admired it for several years & finally remembered to post this after quite a long delay.