“Nice Girls Don’t Wear Cha-Cha Heels.”

Neither in day-to-day life, nor during Christmas, was there any peace of heart or mind for poor Dawn Davenport. Her abysmal parents, totally insensitive to her needs, her dreams, put their unspeakable cruelty into a shoe box, a box containing ‘sensible’ shoes. This turned out to be their justly deserved death sentence, and the point of liberation for our beloved Dawn. Yes, the dawn of Dawn.

In this photograph, we see the ideal held so dearly by Dawn Davenport. She wanted elegance, sophistication, not to be mired down with shoes that would have been embarrassing even to nuns. Dawn Davenport’s role models were Jacqueline Kennedy & Elizabeth Taylor. Had she been allowed to live up to these high standards, to live her dreams, how different her story would have been.

Steve Madden‘s Cha-Cha legacy surmounted over USA by artist Blair Bradshaw, a painting which shows how we look after Dawn Davenport’s horrible Christmas–a nation of ‘nice girls’ who went down the drain along with trickle down economics. What a sad shame.

If Dawn Davenport had only gotten those Cha-cha Heels, Ronald & Nancy Reagan might not have been elected President & the world would surely have been a better place. Instead, we got trickle down economics, and all the factories shut down. This is a true fact.  Sensible shoes ruin good girls, and it takes a village!  We all know this.

If Dawn Davenport had only gotten those Cha-Cha Heels, Ronald & Nancy Reagan might not have been elected President & the world would surely have been a better place. Instead, we got trickle down economics, and all the factories shut down. This is a true fact. Sensible shoes ruin good girls, and it takes a village! We all know this.

Dawn Davenport’s Horrible Christmas…