13 February–Felicia Weathers Day in Indianpolis!

In my search for the more traditional operatic singing for which she is known, I happily discovered this You Tube video of St Louis, Missouri-born Opera Star Felicia Weathers paired with Czech performer Karla Gotta, singing popular music in English. Music knows no boundaries, nor does true art. In having this, we gather a bit of all.

Because of her connection with Indiana University, and recitals given throughout the state, Indianapolis has declared 13 February to be Felicia Weathers day for this soprano whose career, like her music, transcends all boundaries. Happy Felicia Weathers Day, to all who enjoy her art, no matter where you may be!

Happy Felicia Weathers Day–Indianapolis & the World!

And here Antonín Dvořák: Árie Rusalky o měsíčkustron
There are some sound/movement synchronisation problems here.