The Avengers: Age Of Ultron?????

I watched this film & have no idea what it was about. 

It opens with some war some place in Eastern Europe & it  rages  on from one mindless fight scene (with fake looking special effects) after another.  Its nothing but a bunch of expensive special effects all slogged together & called a film.  I fell asleep multiple times.

Some of the actors were highly decorative.  It must be a matter of ‘take the money & run.’  The only art worth noting was the wonderful totem pole influenced Standee, beautifully constructed, that is now in the dumpster.  The studios do not respect the artists who do this work. Her Imperial Highness,  Princess Melita Bonaparte, The Most Beautiful Woman in the World,  has observed, “The worse the film, the better the Standee.”  Her wit & wisdom deserve her a place in the Restoration of the Greek Monarchy & for all Monarchies in the world!
Those artists who designed this piece for this shameful motion picture are the true heroes, in my opinion!   Would love to curate a Standee Museum.
Budget: $250,000,000
The budget for this film could have gone into the Restoration of Tatoi Palace in Greece,   and returning it to the Greek Royal Family upon their restoration.  That would have been money well spent.

The Best Work of Art EVER!!!!!! But you have to want it. I want it!

The irony is that this is words about words, so I will keep my words brief. This is a photograph of a post card reproduction of the huge billboard that John & Yoko sponsored many years ago. I keep it at my desk. Back in the mid -1980s-till the early 1990s, many small businesses gave out these free post cards. For me, post cards are like cookies, I never met one I did not like. This all stopped with the digital era. I used to go to the Post Office & get stamps & mail these things to people. It’s strange that governments & bad politicians would actually rather fight than switch. Understand this historical reference comes from an advertisement campaign, that advocated violence, Tareyton Cigarettes, and would have people, mostly women, with eyes that looked like someone had thrown a brick at them. This cigarette company, not even in a subtle way, actually PROMOTED VIOLENCE!

Is is any wonder that the world is such a mess? Well, I still pick up trash, pennies, and fret about the cost of groceries.

Here is the best modern art of the late 20th Century. I just wish people would read it.

Want it, be it!  Melita Bonaparte begs for it!  We need it--the alternative is really so avoidable, if you think about it.

Want it, be it! Melita Bonaparte begs for it! We need it–the alternative is really so avoidable, if you think about it.

Photograph With Disturbing Ideas That Deserve Consideration

Found this stencil on 11th Street–it’s weather faded, but the basic concepts did come through despite the deterioration. It raises many complex points about how we use information, ideas, concepts in our day to day life–on an individual & collective level.

A thousand words is worth a picture.

A thousand words is worth a picture.

Found a film to be released soon that seemed appropriate to mate with the disturbing stenciled design. I can’t say in any definitive way that there is a link, but only offer an observation: that it seems that way from my perception…
The East, in film, what Creative Destroyers is on concrete.

And life is generally the best source for art.


This photograph was taken in the Tenderloin, San Francisco, today, 2 March 2013. I can honestly say I had nothing better to do with my time. It does not get any more real than this.

It was an important experience to find this wisdom calling out to be shared in the to all the world from San Francisco's Tenderloin District.  I am humbled to have been able to record this.

It was an important experience to find this wisdom calling out to be shared in the to all the world from San Francisco’s Tenderloin District. I am humbled to have been able to record this.

Craig Hill Media

Journalist/Social Justice Campaigner/Education & Business Consultant

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Thoughts of Life in the Present Tense Looking Back

Thomas Outt

Thoughts of Life in the Present Tense Looking Back

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences


An art photoblog

allaboutlemon-All Around, In, And Out Of My Own Universe

Greed is an ugly default... Sharing is Caring

Rantings of an Amateur Chef - What works, and what doesn't!


book + movie = mook. this is mookology.

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