So, I Wrote A Letter To Miss Manners…

Dear Miss Manners:

Your gentle advice has on more than one occasion been the source of a less than gentle laugh on my part.

Nevertheless, I am finicky & even almost fanatical about this issue: the date format most Americans use is visually not appealing. Day, month, year is a much nicer format & conforms to the logical way we, who are still earth-bound, measure time–from the smaller unit (day) to the largest unit (year). You can actually omit a key stroke, for a bonus. The numbers are separated by a word, no comma needed.
I would be delighted to join you for tea! Understanding your busy schedule, may we make a date well in advance? 15 March 2014? Beware, I will probably only have tea bags, but it’s in the spirit that these things fully matter. Ides won’t matter in our case, March or otherwise.

Sincerely, Thomas Outt

P. S. If can, I will try to get something special from DAVIDsTea.

I was unable to resist the obvious!  Really like the quality & look of the sample cups!

I was unable to resist the obvious! Really like the quality & look of the sample cups!

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