Litte Fish In A Bowl

Artist "Finch" captured a lonely fish in a bowl @ Market & Church Street MUNI Station.

Artist “Finch” captured a likeness of lonely fish in a bowl @ Market & Church Street MUNI Station.

Little fish in a bowl
Forever swimming a glassed-in hole.
Life can’t much fun for you,
Not enough water to even be blue.

Will freedom ever come your way?
A stream with others might you play
And life your life as meant to be
With friends like you for company.


The death of actor Paul Walker was tragic & heart rending. He seemed to have evoke the quality of being “nice.” This is a trait that is often abandoned when a certain level of success is reached. Fame & fortune can mess things us up–both for those who have it, and for those who don’t. It can be an oil & water combination, one that might work on salad, but makes the streets of life way too slick for safe travel.

BRICK MANSIONS is an action film. I went understanding that this was not going to be any great competition for either William Shakespeare or Tennessee Williams. But I did have some hope that it might have some of the James Bond or Arnold Schwarzenegger deadpan one liners, or some irony that would serve a purpose. It did not. I can’t quite keep up with the linguistic eloquence of San Francisco Chronicle film critic Mick La Salle, but he got it right. It was one pointless fight scene after another. The man who played ‘the con’ (David Belle) came closest to being an interesting human. He had terrific looks, but, more importantly, he had a motivation, protecting his wife from harm. He was convincing, and that small touch of human interest was about the only thing I carried away with me once the closing credits started rolling. To nod off during an action film? Sure did. It was a sad way to say ‘Goodbye’ to one who had potential to expand to other areas. Being sealed into chase/fight scenes may be lucrative, but not memorable.

It was very decent & kind that the film editors did offer a visual Requiem for Paul Walker at the film’s end.

A symbol of hope for BRICK MANSIONS--both in Detroit, Michigan & Galena, Kansas.

A symbol of hope for BRICK MANSIONS–both in Detroit, Michigan & Galena, Kansas.

You Tube Trailer For BRICK MANSIONS

“If I Can’t Do Right, Wrong Is The Only Choice Left.”–Princess Melita Bonaparte

Last night, Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte became the first non-reigning Monarch-in-waiting, to be honoured by a non-commissioned portrait of her likeness. It was all done via telepathy, as neither the Princess nor the artist had ever met. When H.I.H was presented by her page with the newspaper announcement of this special art event, she was immediately struck by the uncanny Imperial resemblance. “I ordered my page to get the driver immediately. I had to attend”

“There are no accidents, except freak accidents; and they are the only ones that interest me,” informed the Princess. “When I saw this freak accident posted via the press, I knew I had to come & see myself as others see me. It seemed to me to be the opportunity of a lifetime, too good to pass up.”

"When I saw this, I knew that I was chosen to be the vessel of Restoration for the Greek Monarchy."--Melita Bonaparte

“When I saw this, I knew that I was chosen to be the vessel of Restoration for the Greek Monarchy. There was no longer any question in my mind, this is an authentic miracle, one that will be proven by the Holy Orthodox & Catholic Church”–Melita Bonaparte

“Of course, given my inclinations, I was, indeed, tempted by my lifelong love of authentic horror to be drawn to the article immediately below. But Sanctified, as all Royalty is, I was Divinely guided to make the Right Choice, the only choice I could possibly make. Out of duty to my people, I appeared, and horror merged with art, and we were one. It was the happiest evening of my life. Only the Rite (and my right) of Holy Coronation, could be any better.”

"When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I've never tried before."--Maw West

“When choosing between two evils, I always like to try the one I’ve never tried before.”–Mae West

The Doppelgänger Moment of Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte
26 April 2014 Prior to Coronation: 800 Chestnut Street, San Francisco.

Photograph of White Head I, 2012, by artist Ashley Bickerton--

Photograph of White Head I, 2012, by artist Ashley Bickerton

"Finding one's self is a life long journey.  Artist Ashley Bickerton has provided me the map."--Princess Melita Bonaparte 26 April 2014

Finding one’s self is a life long journey. Artist Ashley Bickerton has provided me the map.”–Princess Melita Bonaparte 26 April 2014


“Noise. Noise. Noise. Everyone makes noise, but no one says anything,” grumped Princess Melita Bonaparte. I heard too much noise today & am in a bad mood. If I am in a bad mood, you need to go into hiding!”

With that, we see that Mt. Vesuvius has put us on notice.

But wait, there’s hope. Her Imperial Highness had a photo-shoot today, and nothing pleases her or calms her down like the flash of light that comes from “Just one more, please, Your Highness.” Her mood lifted considerably. And she permitted Easter to be celebrated.

But, be careful! This happy time might not last too long. She thought she was going to get the part, and that the photo-shoot was being done to announce her being cast in the about-to-be shown film. How can we approach her & tell her that this is another done deal?

Who is willing to die for art?

Poster for The Quiet Ones @ Market/Church Street MUNI Stations, San Francisco.  How do we tell Her Imperial Highness that she did not get the part?

Poster for The Quiet Ones @ Market/Church Street MUNI Stations, San Francisco. How do we tell Her Imperial Highness that she did not get the part?

You Tube From The Quiet Ones

Princess Melita Bonaparte is in a snit. “They clearly indicate that this is based upon real events. The real events were taken directly from my childhood. And I remember when college professors thought it their duty to smoke all during their classes,” coughed the despairing Princess.

“Let me show you who should have been cast in the lead role.”–Princess Melita

"Now, can there be any doubt that I was entitled by my training to play this part?"--Princess Melita Bonaparte

“Now, can there be any doubt that I was entitled by my training to play this part?”–Princess Melita Bonaparte

“I die for art every time a part that should go to me is given to someone else.”–Princess Melita Bonaparte. Her surname seems to make more sense as time goes on…

"My torments in this life can only add more to any role I play," said the Princess

“My torments in this life can only add more to any role I play,” said the Princess

Princess Melita Bonaparte: “I bring real horror to life, and live it on a daily basis.”

"I invent google glasses & they take that away from me. I pick up trash from the streets, and they accuse me of being the one littering.  They take & take & take--I can only suffer..Someday, the Greek government will thank me for my efforts in Restoration of their Monarchy!  Till then, I die for my art."

“I invent google glasses & they take that away from me. I pick up trash from the streets, and they accuse me of being the one littering. They take & take & take–I can only suffer..Someday, the Greek government will thank me for my efforts in Restoration of their Monarchy! Till then, I die for my art.”


The real inventor of google glasses is Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte. “I invent many things, and make up stuff as I go along. I can’t keep up with all my ideas, so I use my newest invention to take ideas from other people and call their ideas my ideas. It makes taking classes easier, and I get perfect scores on all my tests. It makes managing people easier. They do all of the work, I take credit when the work is good give free doses of Hell when the work is bad! I know that my Most Loyal Subjects like this. They are able to feel that they are part of the governing system. Plus they learn to play by my rules, which change constantly, so they never can be as smart as I am. I am always the smartest little girl in the room and I always have the last word. I am Royal over everybody and I plan to keep it that way. ”

The Princess explained the design process. “I had the lenses of the super glasses imported from The Netherlands, made by direct descendants of Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. That family always did what my family told them to do. This assured me of having the very best. I plan to take over the Dutch throne, but need time to resolve problems in Greece, Portugal, Egypt, Russia, and Italy, before going Dutch! With all this pressure, you can understand why I need to be able to tap into information at all times without appearing to be nosy. I am sort of my own James Bond film, just with fewer action scenes. I let doubles and body guards do all the scary stuff,” the Princess casually mentioned as of this writing. “People don’t want me to take needless risks. My subjects demand to be ruled with common sense. To that end, I must set high standards of safety. So, I can hardly be expected to do my own stunts.”
So, here they are: Goo-Goo Glasses. Sleekly designed so that no one will have a clue that there is a Royal spy in their midst. No place, public or private, will be able to escape detection. “It’s for their own safety. I am doing this for the people, to help them. It is for their own good,” huffed an indignant Melita. “How can anyone NOT like this perfect use of technology? It is for their protection. Everything I do is for the benefit of others.”

Princess Melita Bonaparte, fears that legal problems will get nasty as she continues to claim to be the inventor of google glasses.  I renamed them goo-goo glasses to keep it from being a nasty legal mess," she explained.

Princess Melita Bonaparte hopes to avoid legal problems as she continues to claim to be the inventor of google glasses. “I renamed them Goo-Goo Glasses to keep it from being a nasty, legal mess,” she explained.

Few Monarchs have invented themselves as well as new gadgets, the way Princess Melita Bonaparte has.  She remains constantly engaged in all forms of technology.

Few Monarchs have invented themselves as well as new gadgets, the way Princess Melita Bonaparte has. She remains constantly engaged in all forms of technology. She tells us that people will make passes at Royals in glasses.


Mayor Ed Lee promised publicly that he would not seek an elected term for Mayor of San Francisco when he ‘inherited’ the job from Gavin Newsom. Since then, he broke that promise, and now seems to be intent on breaking the laws of common sense & decency when it comes to using his influence to see to it that City Employees are paid a decent & living wage with benefits.

S.E.I.U (Service Employees International Union) representatives put together a rally to bring awareness to the public of how corporations such as Twitter are laying eggs all over, without having to pay appropriate business taxes to support the infrastructure that permits them to nest here.

City Employees under SEIU leadership rallied in front of City Hall, and marched peacefully from there to Twitter’s 1355 Market Street address. The reason for this symbolic march was to illustrate the point that Twitter has been granted enormous tax relief by City Government, under the leadership of a man who promised not to stand for office. Why make such empty promises? Just because it was several years ago, does not mean that we have forgotten. It was a silly promise to make, clearly one that could not be taken seriously.

At this point, we need credibility & reliable governance. This is especially true concerning the need of keeping City Employees in a City that has turned into the nation’s most expensive place to call home. Symbolically, both the Mayor & one of the companies he keeps, especially TWITTER, missed an opportunity to lay a golden egg of public relations, rather than continue to scramble them.

When SEIU made their rally in front of City Hall, Mayor Lee did not come out to meet us.

The same was true for TWITTER. No one came from the company to greet or acknowledge the peaceful crowd of marchers who were making a constructive & accurate statement about the tax benefits that TWITTER gets at the expense of City Employees, who are not being given special shuttle buses, and have had to deal with lack of appropriate pay increases to offset 5 years of no raises, and furlough days.

TWITTER (and most of the rest of Social Media & technology businesses) tend to be ‘cutting edge’ when it comes to seizing public relations opportunities. Here was one opportunity of dialogue they flat-out missed. We were there, symbolically knocking at their door, but no one answered.
The right person, rising to the occasion, could have served as a liaison, helping to bridge the obvious gap between those who have been given much, and those who are still seeking to regain much of what was lost due to budget & revenue problems going back 10 years ago.

Looking around San Francisco, one can see that construction is at an all time high. Rents are beyond comprehension. There is no more excuse that there is no money to pay City Employees wages that will permit them to live in San Francisco. There is no further credence for City Government to continue to claim budget deficit as a reason to deny City Employees the ability to earn wages that permit us to live here.

The trend now is to allow managers to hire staff who are not benefited. They do not have medical benefits, vacation time, nor holiday pay. This is simply wrong. The managers who have bought into this type of hiring circumvention are corrupt and should be held accountable. The foundation for this sort of hiring desperate people at a less-than-acceptable wage & benefit level is wrong. The foundation is just wrong, and will not serve any of us well in the long-term.

It’s time for TWITTER to appreciate its nest. It’s time for City Government to stop vampire tactics that drain the life blood of those who make the infrastructure work. And it’s time to stop allowing corrupt managers to hire people outside of the Civil Service Structure.

Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte, breaks from tradition of Constitutional Monarchy to make a political statement against vampire tactics against the Commonweal.   Says the Princess, "Vampires are among my finest subjects.  I hate it when City Hall & Twitter give them a bad name."

Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte, breaks from tradition of Constitutional Monarchy to make a political statement against vampire tactics now being used against the Commonweal. Says the Princess, “Vampires are among my finest subjects. I hate it when City Hall & Twitter give them a bad name.”

“Nice Girls Don’t Wear Cha-Cha Heels.”

Neither in day-to-day life, nor during Christmas, was there any peace of heart or mind for poor Dawn Davenport. Her abysmal parents, totally insensitive to her needs, her dreams, put their unspeakable cruelty into a shoe box, a box containing ‘sensible’ shoes. This turned out to be their justly deserved death sentence, and the point of liberation for our beloved Dawn. Yes, the dawn of Dawn.

In this photograph, we see the ideal held so dearly by Dawn Davenport. She wanted elegance, sophistication, not to be mired down with shoes that would have been embarrassing even to nuns. Dawn Davenport’s role models were Jacqueline Kennedy & Elizabeth Taylor. Had she been allowed to live up to these high standards, to live her dreams, how different her story would have been.

Steve Madden‘s Cha-Cha legacy surmounted over USA by artist Blair Bradshaw, a painting which shows how we look after Dawn Davenport’s horrible Christmas–a nation of ‘nice girls’ who went down the drain along with trickle down economics. What a sad shame.

If Dawn Davenport had only gotten those Cha-cha Heels, Ronald & Nancy Reagan might not have been elected President & the world would surely have been a better place. Instead, we got trickle down economics, and all the factories shut down. This is a true fact.  Sensible shoes ruin good girls, and it takes a village!  We all know this.

If Dawn Davenport had only gotten those Cha-Cha Heels, Ronald & Nancy Reagan might not have been elected President & the world would surely have been a better place. Instead, we got trickle down economics, and all the factories shut down. This is a true fact. Sensible shoes ruin good girls, and it takes a village! We all know this.

Dawn Davenport’s Horrible Christmas…

Princess Melita Bonaparte Waits to be Proclaimed as New Egyptian Monarch!

Her Imperial Highness waits for the Constitutional Amendment which will invite her to become the first 21st Century Queen of Egypt. The details will need to be worked out, but her wish is to be allowed permission to have a reign of joy, for the benefit of all concerned, and an end to strife that does no one any good.

She is the most beautiful woman in the world. That is her only propaganda. If said frequently enough, this harmless thing will make people smile, laugh, and wonder why they waited so long to restore the Egyptian Monarchy. It won’t be the first time in history that a foreign-born Monarch will have occupied the Egyptian throne. It will be a time of great freedom & respect for all peoples, in keeping with the authentic values that Egypt gave to the rest of the world so many centuries ago. Just keep repeating this: Princess Melita Bonaparte is the most beautiful woman in the world & she should be our Regent Monarch.


"As the first Irish-American born Queen of Egypt, my goal would be to help all people avoid unhappy thoughts that cause problems that make us fretful for no good reason."--Princess Melita Bonaparte

“As the first Irish-American born Queen of Egypt, my goal would be to help all people avoid unhappy thoughts that cause problems that make us fretful for no good reason & an end to gas on the liver.”–Princess Melita Bonaparte

Pharrell Williams–Happy Egypt Has Inspired The Princess Melita Bonaparte to want to become the Queen of the Nile!


الأميرة مليتا بونابرت ينتظر أن يعلن العاهل كما المصرية الجديدة!

لها السمو الامبراطوري ينتظر التعديل الدستوري الذي سوف أدعوها ليصبح أول 21st القرن ملكة مصر. سيتعين على التفاصيل التي يتعين حلها، ولكن أمنيتها هو أن يسمح إذن أن يكون لها حكم من الفرح، لصالح جميع الأطراف المعنية، ووضع حد للفتنة التي لا أحد يفعل أي شيء طيب.

هي أجمل امرأة في العالم. هذا هو الدعاية لها فقط. إذا قال في كثير من الأحيان ما يكفي، وهذا شيء غير مؤذية تجعل الناس يبتسمون، والضحك، ويتساءل لماذا انتظرت وقتا طويلا لاستعادة النظام الملكي المصري. انها لن تكون المرة الأولى في التاريخ أن العاهل المولودين في الخارج سيكون قد احتلت العرش المصري. وسوف يكون الوقت من حرية كبيرة واحترام جميع الشعوب، وذلك تمشيا مع القيم الأصيلة التي أعطت مصر إلى بقية العالم منذ قرون عديدة. تبقي فقط تكرار هذا: الأميرة مليتا بونابرت هو أجمل امرأة في العالم وأنها ينبغي أن تكون لدينا ريجنت العاهل.

على يمكن PRINCESS MELITA BONAPARTE دعوتهم إلى أن تتوج ملكة مصر؟

كما ملكة مصر، وهدفي هو مساعدة جميع الناس لديهم أحلام سعيدة أن تتحقق.

كما ملكة مصر، وهدفي هو مساعدة جميع الناس لديهم أحلام سعيدة أن تتحقق.

على فاريل وليامز -! مصر سعيد قد ألهم الأميرة مليتا بونابرت تريد أن تصبح ملكة النيل