X-MEN: Days of Future Past–Visual Trick & Treat

The title seems sort of James Bondish. Never Say Never Again–but it’s the X-MEN. Hugh Jackman is very much back in the saddle, clawing his way into & out of trouble. I need to call on my Inner Jesse Hawthorne Ficks & find a way to come up with a couple of paragraphs about this genre film without telling the story line.

How’s about this? This the first time I ever followed an X-MEN franchise story line. Don’t be late for this film, the Patrick Stewart character very coherently provides the context, and all that follows, is an extension of that. I was able not to nod out for this one. Did I stop losing grey cells, or did the filmmakers get audience feedback that the last couple of efforts were unfathomable? Can’t say, nor is the production company about to tell.

You will love President Nixon & his response to the mutant problem @ a White House Ceremonial Function. Only problem with this scene–by employing certain very precise camera angles & using just as precise lighting, Christ Christie managed to look very much like Richard Milhous Nixon. For some reason this look got lost & the camera lingered on him too long @ angles where this resemblance which was so very uncanny, faded. Once that happened, he looked like Chris Christie trying to look like Richard Nixon. This should have been caught during the rushes & the editors & camera crew should have stopped while they were ahead of the impressions game. They spoiled a good thing here. The backward glances @ “Nixon” needed to look scary & real, just as the front-on views did.

The film is sprinkled throughout by visual hilarity, none of which is overly intrusive, nor mars the plot/action sequences. It’s like having just the right amount of curry, if you know about cooking with curry, you treat it with respect. Seeing a couple of seconds of the original televised Star Trek, without it being milked to death, was one of many very funny cuts, that got well-deserved chuckles from the audience. They got this one right. As P.D.Q. Bach said, “To curry favour, favour curry.”

The Promotional Standees gave the impression that the film was going to strongly feature Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellen (the nice one). It didn’t. Maybe they just looked better with an “X” superimposed on their faces than did the others.

The morphing of the mutants continues, high-powered & @ a high speed. But the characters are generally more interesting & we care, once more, what Hugh Jackman does with shirt on or off. He is a fine actor. I only hope he finds another Oklahoma, and is able to continue to show his many-layered versatility as an actor/artist.

This X-MEN was a win for all concerned. And if you like vintage Buick Riveras, someone pimped one just for your pleasure.

There will be time travel…

YOU TUBE-The Focus is intense relationships, which helped make this more interesting…
“You Abandoned Me!”

Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte, remains astonished that she did not receive top billing over the title for X-MEN:  Days of Future Past.  "I day dream all the time," she declares.

Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte, remains astonished that she did not receive top billing over the title for X-MEN: Days of Future Past. “I day dream all the time,” she declares.

You Tube Buick Rivera Infomercial -1973
“Wouldn’t you really rather have a Buick?” X-MEN did.

Dedicated To Patrick Stewart–All About XXXing Film Fans

X-MEN X-ALia X-Cel X-cuse X-am X-Pire X-cellent X-crement X-citing???

It’s another X-Men film. Not Madam X? I’m sorry!

Her Imperial Highness continues to show her devotion to the art of film promotional 'standees' & to Patrick Stewat, to whom she dedicates her Bonaparte fortune.  She likes to X-periment with every possibility in life.

Her Imperial Highness continues to show her devotion to the art of film promotional ‘standees’ & to Patrick Stewat, to whom she dedicates her Bonaparte fortune. She likes to X-periment with every possibility in life.


The casting error of omitting Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte, becomes evident very quickly. She brings a special presence & value that cannot be explained or denied. She longs to be placed into a dumpster, next to her film idols & professional peers. For her next film: THE PERFECTION OF RUIN–which will be dedicated to Patrick Stewart.

When casting directors & studios understand that people are coming to see her, they will stop calling about using her car. Princess Melita Bonaparte is tireless in her efforts to promote films & those who work in them. She believes that her future is in the stars…