Box With A Swinging Lady!

This goes back several weeks ago, a beer box, so oddly designed, something that in the early 1970s would have brought down the wrath of Gloria Steinem, or other feminists of her Era. Then, imagine what earlier feminists, such as Princess Marie Bonaparte might have to say about this!

Now, it’s not only culturally acceptable, but the name of the company (at least the one that we can see) is ACME! Now if that is not a send up of retrograde, I don’t know what is!

So, pushing beer, enjoy the Lady On The Flying Trapeze & enjoy your Fourth of July!

How can you drink a beer on a trapeze without spilling it?  It takes a lady who has been trained @ Miss Parson's School or the Vogue School Of Fashion Art, at one time located 116 South Michigan Blvd, Chicago

How can you drink a beer on a trapeze without spilling it? It takes a lady who has been trained @ Miss Parson’s School or the Vogue School Of Fashion Art, 116 South Michigan Blvd, Chicago.

Coda: The address used for Vogue School of Fashion Art is from a catalogue I inherited, published in 1943.

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