Bonaparte Princess Lights Up Black Friday 2013

San Francisco: Her Imperial Highness, The Princess Melita Bonaparte, did of her own free will proclaim during the Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony that all people shall willingly & joyfully work a 10-hour shift next Thanksgiving Day, 12 hours on 25 December 2013–and 14 hours for New Years Day–without any form of compensation. She will, of course, work but it will be to collect extremely heavy fines for those who are not willingly & joyfully working for free. Anyone who is paid for work during these former holidays, will turn said monies over to her “Princess Melita Bonaparte Jewelry Fund.” She expects this to be passed by overwhelming majorities in both Senate & Congress in an Extra-ordinary Session. Only her Birthday will be exempt from taxes. Compulsory celebration of this event, with potlucks, which will be taxed, will be for the restoration of Tatoi Palace, the Grey Gardens of Greece.

She expects to reclaim the Greek Throne at the earliest date possible, and from there, all the rest of Europe’s thrones will be willing given to her by the grateful citizens of her vast & loyal group of international subjects. Once she has completed the Gift of Constantine Thrones, the rest of the world will be obligated to accept her benevolent rule.

She wishes to rule by total & abject devotion–to her. All things must be about her, and nothing else must matter. Her moods will govern how you should feel, not any of the circumstances of your life. “The democratic process is just too complicated, my way is easier & far less expensive All classes will be eliminated, as I will be the ONLY being with money. Obamacare, will get a new computer system–all easily funded by my sense of noblesse oblige. No one will need to read any more ‘how-to’ books, my emotional intelligence will be enough for everyone & I will fix all the problems by having temper tantrums. I have been blessed with a wonderful role model,” the Princess confessed. “I wish I could say that I thought this up all by myself, but I just observed reality and decided to go with this. Why re-invent a bad wheel?”

“There will be new contests of loyalty. The Most Loyal will get wonderful stickers & personally autographed Letters of Reference, and many other brownie points for their resumes,” the Princess has informed us.

“Turning the world upside down is my goal. It was so boring the other way around.”

The chants of "We want Melita!" totally drowned out any other sound.  They did not say what they wanted, but the Princess was visibly moved by the utter devotion of her loyal subjects.

The chants of “We want Melita!” totally drowned out any other sound. They did not say what they wanted, but the Princess was visibly moved by the utter devotion of her loyal subjects.

The Imperial Police Protection Force, a branch of the Napoleonic League, express their Eternal Loyalty to Princess Melita Bonaparte.  They each begged for more holidays to work without pay.  The Princess told them that a grateful nation will reward enough.  They were clearly elated by her Imperial presence.

The Imperial Police Protection Force, a branch of the Napoleonic League, express their Eternal Loyalty to Princess Melita Bonaparte. They each begged for more holidays to work without pay. The Princess told them that a grateful nation will reward enough. They were clearly elated by her Imperial presence.

“I’m Just Saying” (What does this Junque Talk Mean?)

Facebook is full of junque talk. “I’m just saying” seems to be the thing to say after admitting to some heinous fantasy or confessing that you just murdered someone you used to love, or that you know how to get the Crown Jewels wholesale. It’s scary to think that elementary school teachers will roll their eyes, and tell the story of Peter Rabbit, and then end it with “I’m just saying,” rather than anything about living “happily ever after.”

Hmmm, come to think of it, that may be where junque talk got it’s start!?

Get Ready Selfie, move over, that word is soooo 3rd quarter 2013–It’s junque talk that will replace all the parvenue parlance –and it started right here on my Bonaparte Family Association Word Press. Finally it happened.

Seriously, just listen, and determine for yourself if anything was said here that makes sense…


And to digress–went to a lovely restaurant on Castro Street, San Francisco, for Thanksgiving Dinner. Three young men were seated across the aisle from our table. They spent 95% of their time engaged in texting on their MOBILE DEVICES. They did not relate to each other in a human manner. This is SICK! This is WRONG! This is DYSFUNCTIONAL! “I’m just saying!”

Friend of Tonto!-The Lone Ranger


He rode again…only with more reason & much more finesse. It’s not a remake of the television series–but goes where no television series of that era dared even take a peek, let alone take one giant step for mankind. This film took us to the moon while still here on Planet Earth, direct from Planet Hollywood.

Tonto, rather than being the side-kick, was the top banana in a film that really took deep breaths during its two & a half hour journey & gave our cultural map a serious going over, but did so by employing skillful use of the sardonic & second helpings with generous doses of sarcasm.

The Manifest Destiny theme showed how the West was really won. It was not won, it was stolen. The buffalo were there to be shot at & the native inhabitants were at best a nuisance. At worst, they were subjected to near annihilation. The compromise ended up being the Reservation System, not the subject matter of the script, but common knowledge for anyone who has seriously studied American history.

I am grateful that Jesse Hawthorne Ficks included THE LONE RANGER in this lineup of ACiD WESTERNS. I did not have time to take it in during its all-too-brief theatrical release. Those critics who lambasted it were just plain wrong. The film ranks up there with Able Gance’s Napoleon, Epic, but funny. You get the accidental meetup of two men who forge an unlikely friendship that just works. They evolve into caring about each other, faced with bizarre circumstances that brought them a sort of involuntary cult status, as crime fighters. Good guys who don’t really look the part.

The arrangement of the William Tell Overture, brought in during a ludicrous scene with Armie Hammer riding Silver on top of the moving train was theatrical, over-the-top brilliance. And Johnny Depp, Tonto. He was splendid in a role that was meant to be. It’s just too bad that others in a position to help this film along, withdrew their support. The film went by quickly, and these two guys were loveable & enjoyable characters in a world gone ACiD MAD due to the misplaced values of the Industrial Revolution & technology without humane compassion. Get this, and you get the film.

ACID WESTERNS were presented 8 November 2013 @ The Castro Theatre-for more fun there was Dead Man & Walker. It was a triple bill! Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Bill Murray?  No, but they'd make a great team for an ACID WESTERN!  Why isn't Paramount calling me?

ACiD WESTERNS were presented 8 November 2013 @ The Castro Theatre-for more fun there was Dead Man & Walker. It was a triple bill! Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Bill Murray? No, but they’d make a great team for an ACID WESTERN! Why isn’t Paramount calling me?

Maybe Paramount is calling me, but I can’t print that in a review about a film from Disney Studios.

His Imperial Highness, Prince Roland Bonaparte II, dressed as The Lone Ranger!

His Imperial Highness, Prince Roland Bonaparte II, dressed as The Lone Ranger!

There comes a time when a good man must wear a mask…

The Unexamined Life Of The Wild West—
Soldiers were sent to make peace with the Indians.

Imperial Bonaparte Award for the Most Authentic Lone Ranger Mask of the Century!

Imperial Bonaparte Award for the Most Authentic Lone Ranger Mask of the Century!

Of course, I am a friend of Tonto!

Of course, I am a friend of Tonto!

I found my prop gun on the street.  That is probably appropriate!

I found my prop gun on the street. That is probably appropriate!


How many more people have to suffer through the horrors of lung cancer due to tobacco addiction before this is brought to an end?

Every tobacco field should be turned into a forest, for the protection & nurturing of wildlife, not for a new Walmart parking lot.

The tobacco industry should pay for all the medical & funeral expenses for anyone who dies of lung cancer.

The tobacco industry should pay to retrain their employees in wildlife management.

The tobacco industry should voluntarily go out of the business of death, and invest their money in the business of life, becoming stewards of the planet, rather than promoters of its destruction. The growing of tobacco strips the land of precious forests & destroys the lungs of precious people.

Once this is accomplished, then guns & swords can be turned into instruments of healing. These ideas are not new, not original with me–but the obnoxious signs that I saw brought out these thoughts & here they are, in their unvarnished state.

The tobacco industry is right up there with Monsanto–killers, murderers–maybe not in a violent mode, but certainly we all feel the loss that they have inflicted upon us for generations.

It is time for this insanity to stop. It is time for mending to start.

A sunflower on a box of poison?  Isn't it supposed to be a skull & crossbones?  What lies these rotten corporations put forth!  If a corporation is the same as a person, then they are guilty of libel, false information, intentionally misleading people.  People go to jail for this, why not the managers of these corporations?

A sunflower on a box of poison? Isn’t it supposed to be a skull & crossbones? What lies these rotten corporations put forth! If a corporation is the same as a person, then they are guilty of libel, false information, intentionally misleading people. People go to jail for this, why not the managers of these corporations?

If you want to get clarification about your murderers, contact them!  If you want them to go away, tell them!  They have provided the information, use it wisely...

If you want to get clarification about your murderers, contact them! If you want them to go away, tell them! They have provided the information, use it wisely…

Let’s add insult to injury–E cigarettes?

There are thousand of amoral people who are investing money in this industry which will end up killing countless numbers of people.  Your lungs were not intended to be chimneys.  They were intended to bring you the breath of life, to sustain you, to enable you to thrive.  Any product like this causes biological compromise & will eventually ruin your health.

There are thousands of amoral people who are investing money in this industry which will end up killing countless numbers of people. Your lungs were not intended to be chimneys. They were intended to bring you the breath of life, to sustain you, to enable you to thrive. Any product like this causes biological compromise & will eventually ruin your health.

I Thought Day of the Dead Was About Dead People

Defying all logic & 45 minutes behind schedule.  When it comes to the 37 Corbitt bus, if you miss this week's bus, you are...well, what nice word is there?   You are______!  Yes, that's the word!  'ed' at the end for tense purposes!

Defying all logic & 45 minutes behind schedule. When it comes to the 37 Corbitt bus, if you miss this week’s bus, you are…well, what nice word is there? You are______! Yes, that’s the word! ‘ed’ at the end for tense purposes!

INSTEAD, it is about the bus system in San Francisco, and you can celebrate it any damned day of the year. You don’t have to bother getting make up, wigs, or any silly costumes from one of those Spirit shops two days after Halloween. This is an opportunity for your third nerve to be totally shot 365 days a year, and on Leap Year, you get an extra day of bad service for Free!

Get to know your neighbours & split taxicab costs when you don’t want to wait till reaching old age before getting homeward bound!

What is really sad about this is that Zillions of dollars are poured down this system every year & it is just a downward spiral! Totally out of control!

Blue Is the Warmest Color (La vie d’Adèle)


Both Their Imperial Highnesses, Princess Melita Bonaparte & her recently discovered twin brother, Prince Roland Bonaparte II, voted unanimously for this prestigious award to be presented to cast & crew for this wondrous cinematic achievement. There was still hiding & confusion in the process of each woman to come to terms of who they were on an individual level & how they were perceived by others & how they eventually integrated the reality of being lesbian within & without. But the viewer undertands they ultimately got there. It has a far different sort of pathos than did the American film that, on a huge & heroic scale, first broke through these barriers (Brokeback Mountain), but it succeeded in a believable manner in showing that life is not a fairy tale, and that nothing is static. “Happily ever after,” that famous line in fairy tales, and eerily recounted in the homily provided by the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the wedding rites of the doomed marriage of the Prince of Wales & Lady Diana Spence applies to all of us, no matter our religion (or lack thereof), language, cultural background, or orientation.

Being a couple is difficult, no matter what the situation.

There has been much already well written about this amazing film. I think one key word is believability. The characters were written not to be larger than life nor other worldly, but a combination of the complex & mundane of urban life in the Western world, in this case Lille, France.

No matter how hard we may wish to try, some things are just not meant to be. This film deals with this issue, not through the back door, but right on through the front door. It is difficult to surrender to that, and often frustrating to “settle,” but often times that is what is required in order to survive. Friendship & mutual respect, given enough time, can overcome the unintended wounds inflicted by romance, by passion.

After the summer turns to autumn in our lives, we can (if we are open to it) see that & accept it. I believe the actors & film makers did that with a rare grace & dignity, seldom afforded within the same boundaries in which is fully shared the erotic nature of life. All of this was treated with kindness.

Interspersed within this framework are many references to art, philosophy, careers, business, ambition, children…but I have to confess, that my favourite part was the introduction of raw oysters by Emma to Adele. When she told Emma that she thought they had the texture of snotballs I screamed laughing. No one else thought it was funny, and days later, I am still thinking about how, when (as snotnosed kids) when one of us got a horrible cold, and hocked up a good one, we’d say “Fresh oyster for you.” The other ‘food’ confession was that Adele ate her scabs as a little girl. No one else laughed at that one, either, and it was funny. These are the sort of mundane & silly confessions that two people who think they are finding a mate will share with each other. It was in the small things that the greatness of this film was revealed, the plain day to day humanity.

Go have your own transformation, and enjoy shell-fish on your own & at your leisure. You owe it to yourself to try something new to celebrate this artistic achievement!

You Tube Video of Blue Is the Warmest Color (La vie d’Adèle)

Tonight: Is that five minutes till 9? Or nine minutes to 5? 9-5-Peaches per can?

Tonight, we get Peaches Christ et cie-presenting 9-5! Not much has changed, except now the bosses are women & the insanity comes from slightly different angles. It’s never about customer service, or getting the JOB done, but about making the boss look good. We still worship false gods & still go to their Christmas parties when we’d rather be somewhere else, instead of having to deal with people who like to score brownie points at the expense of a co-worker, to keep the boss happy!

Happy Days of Your Life: 9-5 You Tube

Dolly Parton Sings the Theme Song 9-5 in concert.

After watching the camera scan this arena, I totally ‘get’ Linda Ronstadt‘s career choice. When promoting her book in San Francisco, she mentioned that she did not want to spend the rest of her life singing in buildings that were designed for sports events…that the Greeks got it right with the invention of the proscenium Arch. “I wanted to sing on a stage that had curtains,” she said. Despite liking Dolly Parton & the classic 9-5 film & song, this inadvertently serves as a visual validation of Linda Ronstadt’s career moves.


This explains how physical perfection is attained & maintained by those in the modeling industry.

I do hope they make a portable version…

Day of Anguish-Funeral of President Kennedy

The day of the funeral of President Kennedy was one of profound sorrow, a day that may have brought some degree of formal closure to a time when hope for a brighter future for America seemed to have been taken away from us.

The dignity & taste with which it was done set a standard which has seldom been equaled.

What he brought to life, is the most important part of his legacy.

“If by a ‘Liberal’ they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind, someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions, someone who cares about the welfare of the people – their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, and their civil liberties – someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicions that grip us in our policies abroad, if that is what they mean by a ‘Liberal,’ then I’m proud to say I’m a ‘Liberal.'”

John F. Kennedy

The formal mode of mourning, once observed & understood by most, is now largely  a lost concept.

The formal mode of mourning, once observed & understood by most, is now largely a lost concept.

Televised Funeral of President John F. Kennedy-25 November 1963

Princess Melita Bonaparte-A Star Without Makeup!

Much to her humiliation & horror, just the thing worst nightmare that could ever befall a star of this magnitude, caught reading an eye-level, grocery store magazine WITHOUT makeup.

This is the sort of thing that will land her in that Betty Place–and drain all her assets. When they close, will someone stay there to help her heat up a Swanson TV dinner, or will it just be lights out & hit the pavement?

Stay tuned–but let us hope that <a href="http://; title="Elizabeth Arden Emergency Room”>Elizabeth Arden has her Emergency Room open for the wayward Bonaparte Princess….

Notice the halo over the head of Princess Melita Bonaparte.  When questioned about this, she replied, "Just like Nixon, they can't take my halo from me, they may take my makeup, but they can't take my halo.  I earned it!"

Notice the halo over the head of Princess Melita Bonaparte. When questioned about this, she replied, “Just like Nixon, they can’t take my halo from me, they may take my makeup, but they can’t take my halo. I earned it!” There seems to be a Checkers Speech for every occasion these days.

For more information about how to be totally happy & beautiful—